Individual Studies is offered as a timetable option for students in Class 3 and Sign Up. The subject matter and number of lessons requested by a student, to fulfil a specific need, is negotiated with the Individual Studies teacher during Sign Up each term.

The main purpose of Individual Studies is to offer time and value to a student’s individual interests and often quite specific areas of learning. Many students request timetabled slots to study a subject/theme/topic in greater depth, and as a personal exploration with accompanying support and guidance of an interested adult. For some students the main purpose is to have the opportunity to have a sounding board and an audience. To be able to discuss ideas and formulate hypotheses.  For others it is a journey from some knowledge to a greater understanding and a greater confidence.

Once the theme has been decided, time is given to resourcing and formulating a plan. The plan encourages the student to really consider what they want to know. Specific questions are arrived at and form the basis of the ongoing study. One of the most exciting aspects of this 1:1 relationship is that there is no expected goal, it is simply an opportunity to enjoy a learning experience in partnership with another interested person.

Individual Studies sessions are also occasions to build confidence and resilience. Tackling areas of learning which have previously caused some difficulty. Sometimes the sessions are used to close gaps in learning and acknowledging next steps. All these aspects are carried out with sensitivity and within an unpressured environment. Working 1:1 or in a small group means that the pace can be driven by those involved and the subject matter repeated as necessary to ensure good learning.


Calligraphy sessions are also offered to individuals and small groups. For many students the journey is new and refreshing, and the interest level is high. Calligraphy sessions are often regarded as times to relax and refine skills, working rhythmically, repetitively and calmly. The experience is a great therapy for being ‘in the moment’. A range of different calligraphic styles and layouts are introduced through modelling and experimenting with different pens and other media.