Class 3 acts as the bridge between Class 2 and opportunities to begin to consider future needs, which may be the beginning of GCSE/IGCSE courses.

It is organised specifically to offer a breadth of experiences and as a space to have time to reflect on current and future learning needs.

All students, as they leave Class 2, have an entitlement of two double lessons per week for 3 terms, with a designated teacher in a specific classroom. The sessions have a flexible structure, which allows time for the members of the group to work and socialise together and build a corporate identity as ‘Class 3’. It also allows space for individual study and to explore personal interests. During this time a strong bond is usually formed between the group, based on encouragement and delight in learning about each other and sharing expertise and talents.

Experience has shown that during Class 3 students often begin to identify what they wish to learn and how they like to learn. With increasing maturity and confidence many students become aware of their specific areas of strength which they wish to develop further and also identify areas which it is agreed require further guidance and support. Class 3 is a nurturing environment.

Class 3 offers time, space and guidance to experiment and try out new subjects and approaches. Over the three terms there is dedicated time set aside to learn about aspects of recording the written word, including: structuring writing; combining writing and illustration; the skills of calligraphy; critiquing film and books; creating board games, learning a joined legible and fluent handwriting style Techniques about spelling; setting out work/presentation; reading aloud to an audience are also practised.

Class 3 begins in the Summer Term and lasts a year. During the Summer Term each member of Class 3 is given a timetable which includes access to all the subject areas. Subjects are taught by subject specialists. For the Autumn and Spring Terms, students have the opportunity to Sign Up for those lessons which they feel drawn to. Class 3 sessions with the Class 3 lead teacher are automatically added to these timetables as a thread of consistency.