Generally we like to have fun and celebrate whenever we can at Summerhill. This means we use any excuse for a good party, and have fun to the best of our ability… whenever possible!

Our community celebrates all the usual holidays you’d expect, but also the wonderful international element of the school means many holidays and events are inspired by cultures from around the world, bringing merriment to Summerhill from far and wide.

Events and trips at Summerhill are arranged by anyone with an idea and the inclination to make it happen, whether that be a cinema trip or protesting for global climate change, there’s always interest and encouragement to be found in the community.

Showcased below are a number of our most established and cherished regular celebrations.



There are lots of parties at Summerhill! We have a party every half term and end of term.



We celebrate Halloween by carving pumpkins, making creepy decorations and putting them up around the school, dressing up and going trick-or-treating in the local area

Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes

In the evening, we light the fire, eat soup, drink hot chocolate, watch fireworks and light sparklers. Kids often propose that they can stay up later to sit around the fire until the early hours of the morning.



We have a big Christmas lunch, pull crackers and tell jokes. After lunch we all sing carols and Christmas songs

Lunar New Year

Lunar New Year

The international element of Summerhill brings a lovely mixture of cultures to the school. Several years ago, a group of Chinese students organised a Lunar New Year celebration, since then it has become an annual tradition.

A.S.Neill's Birthday

A.S.Neill's Birthday

Every year, on the 17th October, Zoe organises a walk to A.S.Neill’s grave which is around a 10 minute walk into the local town

Summer Half Term

Summer Half Term

Summer Half Term is a special weekend when we invite families, friends and past pupils to join us. We have a weekend of parties, stalls, exhibitions and an auction where people can buy cool stuff that kids and staff have made over the year

Leavers Meal

Leavers Meal

The leavers meal is held on the last Friday of each Summer term. The dining room is decorated with flowers, picked from around the school, by pupils and staff. Most leavers choose to dress formally (a rare thing at Summerhill!).